Thank you letter

Thank you to all the parent helpers for helping and guiding the students where to go and for participating in the activities we did in camp and for supporting us in the things we did. And thank you Milestone foundation and lion foundation for funding our school to go to camp for free. THANK YOU I LOVE YOU !!

enson taufo’ou .

Cross country 2022

Malo e lelei my bloggers!!! on wedensday wesley intermediate school went to remuera for cross country. Once we got there, heaps of people were warming up for the crossy country that we were going to do. we all had to do a 3.5 km run.


KIA ORANA!!! on friday I learnt how to use numbers as two prime numbers example = 7+2=9


talofa bloggers today on monday 27th of june, smolley and I were working out 6 digit numbers on number of the day. The number of the day was 538,534. the number was difficult but me smolley got some of the questions right.

weta workshop unleashed

On monday 14th of june our class went on a school trip to weta workshop unleashed at the city. Weta workshop is about horror, sci-fi and fantasy making. There were alot of cool and scary things there. my favourite part was when we went to the fantasy room because of the small kingdom.

maths T2 2022

WALT: add and subtract whole numbers and divide and multiply whole numbers

Malo e lelei bloggers today i had to subtract, add, multiply, and divide whole numbers.



WALT:learn what Jpeg, PNG, and a gif

I have learnt what a Jpeg, PNG, and a gif. Jpeg is a photo with a backround. PNG is a photo with no backround. And a gif is a moving image.

Robotics 2022

WALT:Make a key chain using tinkercad

Malo e lelei today I  learnt how to make a key chain with different shapes on tinkercad. It was interesting and fun because it was the first time i used this site and i could make anything

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